EU-Commission Reserach
Project Measurement
& Testing, Contract No. G6RD-CT2000-00419. Duration: 2001-2004
"New technology in food sciences facing the multiplicity
of new released GMO" (GMOchips)
The goal of the GMOchips-project
is the development of biochips to detect Genetically Modified Organisms
(GMOs) in food. Reliable detection methods are essential for the
labelling of GMO concerned food and for the control at the EU borders.
The GMOchips-project
is a continuation of the “QPCRGMOFood”
EC’s programme on real-time quantitative detection by PCR. Most
of the laboratories are common to the two programmes. Proprietary
and expensive real-time QPCR are limited by the number of simultaneous
detections per tube and cannot provide any information on the possible
presence of unknown GMO.
The miniaturisation and
the multiparametric detection of the DNA microarray can be used
in a “matrix approach” for both quantitative detection and typing
of GMO. Amplifications by consensus PCR of parts of the plant and
GMO used sequences can then be identified on the microarray.
A final ring-test will
assess the reliability of the microarray testing and compare both
technologies in terms of quantification and identification of GMO.
The results will be proposed for CEN standardisation.
More details
about the project are available in the Project