

A European Commission Research Project
"New technology in food sciences facing the multiplicity of new released GMO"
Measurement & Testing, Contract G6RD-CT2000-00419. Duration: 2001-2004


The goal of the GMOchips-project is the development of biochips to detect Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in food. More information about the project under: Introduction.

7 Partners out of 5 European countries are involved in the GMOchips-project, organized in 4 Work packages. The Agenda shows the major meetings and milestones of the project. Participants can find internal project information, documents and software in a password-protected Internal section. The Links-section lists addresses of similar projects and sites.

Online-Report about Biochips:
A powerful tool for multiple and fast analysis of genes and DNA sequences.

An overview of this site (GMOchips.org) is available under: Sitemap. For questions about the project or feedback to this site choose Contact.

5th Framework Program

Growth-project (FP5)


Sitemap . GMOchips.org . Contact . Feedback to: info@GMOchips.org . Last update: 22.April.2002 (Li)