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Sequence |
Name: |
Cytochrome b |
Description: |
Sequence-Alignment of 218 Mitochondrial Cytochrome b-Sequences of 218 animal species. |
Type: |
Mitochondrial |
NCBIAccession: |
Version: |
Keywords: |
DNAsequence: |
AAsequence: |
Alignment: |
CytB_P3.pdf |
FullNCBIdatasheet: |
BaseCount: |
Remarks: |
Comment: |
Publication: |
URL: |
(more...) |
Acronym: |
Website: |
http://www.vet.uu.nl/ |
Name: |
Utrecht University, Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology |
Country: |
Netherlands |
Postal Address: |
Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology<br>Faculty of Veterinary Medicine<br>UU-Utrecht University<br>Yalelaan 1, PO Box 80165, 3584 CL, Utrecht<br>3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Phone: |
0031-30-2534992 |
Fax: |
0031-30-2518126 |
You are here: Core Forms > Search Sequence > Sequence |