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Simultaneous PCR-detection of animal species in foods

Full Title:

Development and design of a "ready-to-use" reaction plate for a PCR-based simultaneous detection of animal species used in foods

Authors: Ines Laube, Jutta Zagon, Almuth Spiegelberg, Andreas Butschke, Lothar W. Kroh & Hermann Broll Organisation: BfR
Publication Date: January 2007 Version: 27.10.2005 Publication Type: Journal Language: English
ISBN: ISSN: 0950-5423 Report Title: International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Volume: 42 Issue: 1 Pages: 9-17 Download:
Medium: PRINT Method: Simultaneous PCR URL:
Remarks: International Journal of Food Science & Technology
A leading international forum for high quality research with a practical application.
Imprint: Wiley/Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Impact Factor: 1.065
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: 2008: 50/107 Food Science & Technology
The International Journal of Food Science & Technology (IJFST) is published for the Institute of Food Science and Technology, the IFST. This authoritative and well-established journal publishes in a wide range of subjects including pure research in the various sciences associated with food; and practical experiments designed to improve technical processes. Subjects covered include:

- proximate analysis
- novel foods
- food quality assurance and food safety
- raw material composition of food
- food storage and distribution
- consumer acceptance of foodstuffs
- physical properties of food
- food engineering practices
- food marketing
- food manufacturing techniques


Name: Type: System: Ampl.Length: Sequence Size [bp]: AnnTemp [°C]:
Bos-pde MolSpec Real-Time PCR Quantitative 154 60
Bos-pde0 MolSpec Real-Time PCR Quantitative 104 60

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