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Biolytix Phone: +41 (0)61 725 20 70
Partner Number: 37 Fax: +41 (0)61 725 20 71
Type: Commercial e-Mail:
Name: Biolytix AG Website:
Postal Address: Biolytix AG<br>Peter Brodmann<br>Benkenstrasse 254<br>4108 Witterswil Country: Switzerland
Description: Biolytix, founded in 1998, is the leading Swiss service laboratory for molecular biological services. In Witterswil, only 12 km from Basel, the company is located in an area, where biotechnology is very well established.
The company is supported by a small group of private investors and is financially independent of any major customer or supplier. Biolytix employs 12 people including 6 scientists (mostly molecular biologists).
The customers of Biolytix are found in the food and feed industry, in the tobacco industry as well as in the pharmaceutical industry, research institutes and universities. Current customers are located all over the world.
The available expertise is especially the PCR and real-time PCR technology as well as immunological methods. These technologies are applied e.g. to identify and/or quantify genetically modified organisms, microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses), animal or plant species, food allergens and more. The long experience in the PCR-technology also allows us to develop methods for costumers, offer consulting and trouble shooting to less experienced partners.
To secure the highest quality standards, biolytix has established a very strict quality assurance system. An accurate number of control analyses are always performed to guarantee the precision of all results. Additionally Biolytix is participating every year in national and international proficiency testing programmes and is accreditated under ISO/EN 17025.
The Central Science Laboratory (CSL) is an Executive Agency of the UK Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Comprising 650 personnel, it specialises in the sciences underpinning agriculture for sustainable crop production, environmental management and conservation and in food safety and quality. It undertakes a broad portfolio of research, diagnostic and consultancy services on the behalf of Government, European Commission, and international land-based food industries. It implements GLP and ISO 17025 quality systems.

Expertise: The development of analytical methods to check and trace the quality as well as the authenticity of agricultural products is one of the most important requests of the Biolytix customers. Biolytix has gained a lot of experience in food authenticity over the last years fulfilling the customer demands in the fields of the detection of genetically modified organisms where Biolytix employees are working in national and international working groups and Biolytix is also a partner in the FP6 project CO-EXTRA that is devoted to coexistence and traceability items linked to genetically modified organisms. In the field of species identification Biolytix is in member of a Swiss working group that develops methods for the identification of fraudulent addition of meat. In addition Biolytix is partner of a Swiss KTI (commission for technology and innovation) project where the goal is the determination of undesirable microorganisms in wine.
Activities: Task Management: Leader of the task "Characterisation of Cereal (farro della Garfagnana)".<br>Molecular Biology method:<br>* Contribution to the finding of suitable markers for the identification and quantification of fraudulent addition of cereal into farro della Garfagnana.<br>* Improvement of a DNA extraction method of pollen
Remarks: Task Management: Leader of the task "Characterisation of Cereal (farro della Garfagnana)".
Molecular Biology method:
* Contribution to the finding of suitable markers for the identification and quantification of fraudulent addition of cereal into farro della Garfagnana.
* Improvement of a DNA extraction method of pollen


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Publications (more...)

Short Title Type Date Download
SOP real-time PCR for Apis species SOP November 2005 Detection-ApisSpecies-Conf.pdf
Apis mellifera conventional SOP November 2005 Detection-Apis.Mellifera-Conv-Conf.pdf
Detection of Buchnera Aphidicola Note November 2005 Detection-Buchnera.Aphidicola-Conf.pdf
Conventional PCR for Schizaphis Graminum Note November 2005 Detection-Schizaphis.Graminum-Conf.pdf
Preparation & DNA-Extraction from Honey & Pollen SOP 28.12.2005 SOP_DNA-extr_honeypollen_Biolytix2.pdf
Name Type Taxonomy Element Probe
ApisCerana_RT Real-Time PCR Oriental Honeybee 18S rRNA A.cera-F
ApisDorsata_RT Real-Time PCR Rock Honeybee 18S rRNA A.dors-F
ApisFlorea_RT Real-Time PCR Dwarf Honeybee 18S rRNA A.florea-F
ApisMellifera_RT Real-Time PCR Bee 18S rRNA A.melli_RT-F
ApisMellifera-Conv Conventional PCR Bee 18S rRNA A.melli_conv-F
Sternorrhyncha-Conv Conventional PCR Greenbug 16S rRNA Ster-F
B.aphidicola Real-Time PCR Greenbug Bacteria Plasmid pTrp B.aphi-F

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