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Food Product Data

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Food Name: Honey Abbr. Food Name:
Orig. Food Code: Orig. Food Group Code: Product Type: Sugar and Honey [A0462]
CODEX Food Standards: CODEX FDS for Food Additives: CODEX Class. for Foods and Feeds:
CODEX Food Cat. Sys. for Contaminats: FAO Food Bal. Sheet Class.: CIAA Food Cat.:
Eurocode2: European Article Number (EAN): Universal Product Code:
E-Number: INS-Code: Manufacturer:
Distributor: Food Source: Genetically Modified: No
Generic Image: Specific Image: Protection Label:
Agric. Prod. Conditions: Color: Part of Plant or Animal:
% Edible Portion: Nature of Edible Portion: Nature of Waste:
Phys. State Shape or Form: Extend of Heat Treatment: Treatment Applied:
Cooking Method: Recipe Procedure: Recipe Bibliographic Ref.:
Final Preparation: Preservation Method: Packing Medium:
Food Contact Surface: Container of Wrapping: Storage Conditions:
Area of Origin: Area of Processing: Area of Consumption:
Consumer Group Label Claim: Specific Gravity: Typical Serving Size: g
Typical Package Weight: g Typical Weight per Piece: g Frequency and Season:
Place of Food in Diet: Cuisine: Product Website:


Trace Sample Code Producer Food Product Name Sampling Date Sampling Site
3HXXXXX00000004 Honigquell Lindenhonig 2005-03-01
3HXXXXX00000174 Wolfgang Voigt Lindenhonig 2007-05-20
3HXXXXX00000183 Weiss Honig & Geschenke Lindenhonig 2005-07-20
3HXXXXX00000201 Germany Lindenhonig 2006-07-20


Location Name Country Trace Site Code Site Coordinator
Germany Please apply for access.
Germany Please apply for access.
Germany Please apply for access.
Germany Please apply for access.

You are here: Core Froms > Search Food Product > Food Product