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Food Product Data

Food Product Name:


Food Name: Olive Oil Abbr. Food Name:
Orig. Food Code: Orig. Food Group Code: Product Type: Fats and Oils [A0453]
CODEX Food Standards: CODEX FDS for Food Additives: CODEX Class. for Foods and Feeds:
CODEX Food Cat. Sys. for Contaminats: FAO Food Bal. Sheet Class.: CIAA Food Cat.:
Eurocode2: European Article Number (EAN): Universal Product Code:
E-Number: INS-Code: Manufacturer:
Distributor: Food Source: Genetically Modified: No
Generic Image: Specific Image: Protection Label:
Agric. Prod. Conditions: Color: Part of Plant or Animal:
% Edible Portion: Nature of Edible Portion: Nature of Waste:
Phys. State Shape or Form: Extend of Heat Treatment: Treatment Applied:
Cooking Method: Recipe Procedure: Recipe Bibliographic Ref.:
Final Preparation: Preservation Method: Packing Medium:
Food Contact Surface: Container of Wrapping: Storage Conditions:
Area of Origin: Area of Processing: Area of Consumption:
Consumer Group Label Claim: Specific Gravity: Typical Serving Size: g
Typical Package Weight: g Typical Weight per Piece: g Frequency and Season:
Place of Food in Diet: Cuisine: Product Website: http://europa.e... l/en/249_en.htm

You are here: Core Froms > Search Food Product > Food Product