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Overview over all Food Product Records

Food Name
Food Product Name
Product Type
Protection Label
Product Website
HoneyAkazienhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilBaenaFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/249_en.htm
BeefBeef meatMEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS [A0459]http://europa.e... l/en/501_en.htm
BeefBlanc Bleu Belgebeef meat
HoneyBlütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilBruzioFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/453_en.htm
HoneyCalluna-Heide HonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyCornish HoneySugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilDaunoFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/479_en.htm
HoneyDuchy Original Heather HoneySugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyEdelkastanienhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyEnglish Blossom HoneySugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyEnglish honeySugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyErika-Heide HonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyEukalyptushonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyFeiner Bio-WabenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
LeavesFolia castaneae vescae conc.Chestnut
HoneyFrühjahresblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyFrühtrachtSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilGardaFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/484_en.htm
HoneyHeidehonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Honeyhoney mixtureSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyHonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilHuile d'olive d'Aix-en-ProvenceFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... /en/1160_en.htm
HoneyImkerhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Mineral WaterIoli
Mineral WaterKlinos
HoneyLavendelblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyLindenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Mineral WaterLoutraki
HoneyLöwenzahnhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyManuka-Teebaum HonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMel de BrezoSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMel de CastanoSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMel de eucalyptoSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMel de GaliciaSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de CorseSUGAR AND HONEY [A0462]http://europa.e... /en/1129_en.htm
HoneyMiel de Corse - ArbousierSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - ChataigneraieSugar and Honey [A0462]http://europa.e... /en/1129_en.htm
HoneyMiel de Corse - Maquis d'automneSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - Maquis de PrintempsSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - maquis du desert des agriatesSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - Miel de BruyereSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - Miel de PrintempsSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - miel du maquisSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - miel du maquis d eteSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - Miellats du MaquisSugar and Honey [A0462]http://europa.e... /en/1129_en.htm
HoneyMiel de Corse - Printemps "Asphodele"Sugar and Honey [A0462]http://europa.e... /en/1129_en.htm
HoneyMiel de Corse - Printemps clementinierSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - printemps mille fleursSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyMiel de Corse - printemps orangerSugar and Honey [A0462]
Mineral waterMineral waterBEVERAGES [A0465]http://europa.e... en/pgi_10en.htm
HoneyMischblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilMoliseFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... /en/1222_en.htm
Olive OilMonti IbleiFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/485_en.htm
HoneyObstblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive oilOlive oilFATS AND OILS [A0453]http://europa.e... en/pgi_11en.htm
HoneyOrangenblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilPenisola SorrentinaFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/456_en.htm
HoneyRapshonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilRiviera LigureFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/442_en.htm
HoneyRobinieSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyRosmarinhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilSabinaFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/258_en.htm
HoneySommerblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneySommerblütenhonig mit KornblumeSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneySonnenblumenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilTerra di BariFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/481_en.htm
HoneyThe Orkney Honey FarmSugar and Honey [A0462]
Olive OilUmbriaFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/483_en.htm
Olive OilValli TrapanesiFats and Oils [A0453]http://europa.e... l/en/482_en.htm
HoneyVielblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Mineral WaterVikos
BeefVitellone dell'Appennino Centralefresh veal meathttp://europa.e... l/en/501_en.htm
HoneyWaldblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyWaldhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
HoneyWeißtannenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
WheatWheatCereals and cereal products [A0457]
WheatWheatCereals and cereal products [A0457]
HoneyWildblütenhonigSugar and Honey [A0462]
Mineral WaterZagori
Apennine beefMEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS [A0459]http://europa.e... l/en/501_en.htm
Farro della GarfagnanaCEREALS AND CEREAL PRODUCTS [A0457]http://europa.e... l/en/300_en.htm
ChickenMEAT AND MEAT PRODUCTS [A0459]http://europa.e... en/pgi_05en.htm

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