You are here: MolSpec > StartseiteMOLSPEC-ID: Identify Species in FoodsA European Commission Research Project"Development of Quantitative and Qualitative Molecular Biological Methods to Identify Plant and Animal Species in Foods" The goal of the MOLSPEC-ID-project is the development of detection methods to identify specific plant and animal species in foods.(Contract No QLK1-CT-2001-02373. Duration: 2001-2004) More information about the project under: Introduction. 14 Partners out of 11 European countries are involved in the MOLSPEC-ID-project, organized in 5 Work packages. The Meetings shows the major meetings and milestones of the project. Participants can find internal project information, documents and software in a password-protected Internal section. Please log in to view documents and slides. An overview of this site (molspec.org) is available under: Sitemap. For questions about the project or feedback to this site choose Contact. You are here: MolSpec > Startseite© Copyright MolSpec Disclaimer: MolSpec is not responsible for linked contents. |