You are here: Center BATS > Projects > MolSpec
Acronym for: Development of Methods to Identify Plant and
Animal Species in Foods
Contract No: QLK1-CT-2001-02373
Duration: 01.12.2001-30.11.2004 (36 months)
Project size:
14 Partners, 3'109'579 €
EC contribution: 1'395'074 €
Organisation: European Commission Research Project
Program: FP5: Quality
of life and management of living resources
Involved BATS-scientists: Jakob Lindenmeyer (WP-lead),
Tobias Krais, Othmar Käppeli
Project description: The goal of the MolSpec-ID-project is
the development of Molecular detection methods to identify
specific plant and animal Species in foods, e.g. meat from
goat/sheep, duck/turkey/chicken, pig/beef or ingredients from soybean or several
nut-species. This is important to discover fraudulent replacement of food
components and to avoid adverse reaction to unexpected food ingredients.
Links: Test the public version of the MolSpec-database under