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Horizontal gene transfer from transgenic plants into plant associated
microorganisms and soil microorganisms
Table of Contents:
Author: K. Smalla
Bacterial antibiotic or herbicide resistance genes are still
frequently used as selectable markers for transgenic plants. Due to
well-known problems caused by antibiotic resistant pathogens, concerns arose
about the large-scale use of transgenic plants containing antibiotic resistance
genes. Therefore, horizontal transfer of such resistance genes from plants
to microorganisms has often been discussed as potential unwanted effect
of transgenic plants on the soil microbiota. However, there is no clear
evidence for gene transfer from plants to microorganisms to date. Biosafety
research on horizontal gene transfer from transgenic plants to microorganisms
(bacteria and fungi) targets two main aspects: the scientifically challenging
question of whether in principle gene transfer from plants to microorganisms
is possible and detectable under field conditions, and the assessment of
ecological consequences. Studies on both points under field conditions are
impeded by the fact that only a minor fraction of the microbial community is
accessible to cultivation techniques. In view of the expected scarcity of
horizontal gene transfer from plants to microorganisms representative soil
sampling and a high sensitivity of the detection methods applied are of
particular importance to reduce the probability of gene transfer events
remaining undetected. To avoid false positives detection methods used
have to be highly specific allowing the unequivocal differentiation of the
construct from naturally occurring resistance genes.
The objective of this contribution is to describe studies tackling the question
of whether gene transfer from plants to microorganisms does occur, and to
which extent. Experimental approaches and difficulties impeding the detection
of such gene transfer events under field conditions will be discussed.
Furthermore, the results of a study on the natural occurrence of the nptII
gene, the most frequently used selective marker for transgenic plants, will
be summarized.
Persistence of transgenic plant DNA in soil
Transgenic plant DNA can be released into the environment e.g. from
senescent or rotting plant material. The persistence of free DNA released in
soil is of great importance with respect to potential gene transfer by
transformation. If the released free transgenic plant DNA is immediately
degraded by extracellular nucleases, transgenic DNA is unlikely to be taken
up by competent soil bacteria. On the other hand, long-term persistence of
DNA might enhance the likelihood of transformation-like processes to occur.
Numerous reports have shown that free DNA can persist in soil for a longer
period and still remains transformable. Obviously, DNA adsorbed to soil
minerals is to some degree protected against the attack of nucleases.
Several abiotic factors such as the concentration of bivalent cations, the
mineral content or pH of the soil and the DNA conformation will affect the
degree of the adsorption of the DNA to the soil surface. Therefore, persistence
of released transgenic plant DNA is supposed to be different in different
agricultural soils and depending of the microbial activity and composition
of the respective soils. Persistence of transgenic plant DNA in soil was
investigated for transgenic tobacco (aacC1, Paget et al., 1993), transgenic
petunia (NOS-nptII, Becker et al., 1994) and transgenic sugar beets
(bar/TR1, TR2/nptII, 35S/BNYVV-cp, Smalla et al., 1995). The persistence
of the construct in soil was tracked by direct DNA extraction from soil followed
by PCR-based amplification of the construct. Appropriate primer selection
allowed an unequivocal detection of the transgenic construct besides the
naturally occurring genes. With this methodology the presence of the
construct could be detected but no information was gained on its
localization inside rotting plant material, as free DNA adsorbed to soil
surface, in metabolically active, dormant or dead cells. The sensitivity for
detection of the construct in total soil DNA extracts should be determined
since it will vary with the soil type, the lysis and purification protocol and
PCR conditions. Limits of detection were determined for the construct used
in transgenic sugar beets with three different primer sets (bar/TR1;TR2/nptII,
35S-BNYVV-cp) to be around 102 target sequences per gram soil
(Gebhard et al., unpublished). Transgenic sugar beet DNA was detectable
in soil samples taken from a disposal site 6, 12 and 18 months after
transgenic sugar beets had been ploughed into soil. Whereas for soil sampled
6 months after shredding and incorporation of transgenic sugar beets into
the soil PCR products were obtained with all 3 primer sets, no PCR products
were detected in DNA extracted from soils sampled 12 or 18 months after
incorporation using the 35S/cp primer system. Becker et al. (1994) reported
that DNA from transgenic petunia could be only detected in 3 soil samples
taken 2 months after the petunia plants were ploughed into the soil. Paget
et al. (1993) found that transgenic tobacco DNA remained detectable for more
than one year after harvest of the transgenic plants. To compare investigations
on the persistence of transgenic plant DNA in agricultural soils respective
studies should contain information on the sampling procedure, on relevant
soil parameters (mineral content, pH, content of organic matter), the soil
DNA extraction and purification procedure, the determined limits of detection.
Although only a few studies investigated the persistence of transgenic plant
DNA under soil conditions long-term persistence of the constructs in soil could
be demonstrated unequivocally. However, none of the studies proved whether
the persisting DNA was naked DNA adsorbed to mineral surfaces, or still
covered in rotting plant material.
Detection of horizontal gene transfer from plants
to soil bacteria
The most probable mechanism for gene transfer from plants to
microorganisms is natural transformation requiring the uptake of free DNA by
naturally competent soil bacteria and the integration of the foreign DNA into the
bacterial genome (Stewart, 1989). In order to detect gene transfer from plants
to microorganisms under field conditions, there must not only be mechanisms
to allow uptake and replication in the new host but perhaps most importantly,
a selection for the host expressing a new trait. Even though competent soil
bacteria are known, there are only a few reports that could show that natural
transformation does occur in nonsterile soils (Lorenz et al., 1992, Gallori et
al., 1994). Detection of horizontal gene transfer events can be performed
by analysing bacteria after a prior cultivation step. In order, to get information
on the presence of the construct in nonculturable bacteria the bacterial fraction
recovered directly from soil can be analysed for the transgenic DNA. However,
screening of cultivated bacteria for the presence of the construct has the
advantage that putative transconjugants can be further characterised.
Provided that the transferred resistance genes are expressed in their new
hosts selective cultivation can be applied. In a project accompanying the field
release of rhizomania resistant transgenic sugar beets containing the nptII
and the bar gene under the control of the TR1/TR2 promotor and the
BNYVV coat protein gene under the control of the 35S promotor soil bacteria
were screened for horizontal gene transfer events. Since the level of
expression of the nptII gene in different soil bacteria was unknown,
resuspended soil samples were plated onto nutrient media containing 100
æg/ml, 10 æg/ml or no kanamycin. Approximately 3,000 soil bacteria
isolated from different samplings were randomly picked and analysed by
cell hybridisation using the construct as probe. Several positive colonies
giving slight positive signals were further confirmed by PCR. None of the
colonies contained the construct. To improve the sensitivity of the detection
total DNA was extracted from bacterial lawns growing at the lowest dilution,
analysed by PCR and hybridisation. Until now the construct was never
detectable in the fraction of bacteria grown on plate count agar. To get
information on gene transfer into the nonculturable fraction of soil bacteria
DNA the bacterial fraction was obtained from soil samples by different
blending and centrifugation steps. DNA extracted from the bacterial
fraction was analysed by PCR. However, positive PCR signals are
difficult to interpret since it is almost impossible even after several
DNase treatment steps to ensure the absence of free DNA. Especially
in soils with a high content of clay particles a complete separation of
bacteria from clay particles is difficult, and DNA adsorbed to clay
minerals will resist DNase attacks to a certain extent.
Under laboratory conditions Becker et al. (1994) analysed hygromycin
and kanamycin resistant bacteria isolated from a soil microcosm 7 days
after inoculation with transgenic tobacco homogenates containing the
Tn5-nptII or Tn5-hph. None of the isolates contained the construct.
Transformation of competent Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. with
transgenic plant DNA failed. Only when the host (Acinetobacter calcoaceticus)
contained homologous sequences the stable integration of a linearized
plant transformation vector could be shown. Broer et al. (1994) reported
that transformation experiments of competent Agrobacterium tumefaciens
with linear single stranded DNA or transgenic plant DNA did not result in
any transformants. While the transformation frequencies with circular
plasmid DNA carrying the same construct as the transgenic plant DNA
was about 2 x 10-7. The analysis of gentamycin resistant colonies
isolated from Agrobacterium-caused tumors revealed no horizontal
gene transfer. The authors concluded that the induction of virulence
genes and the presence of plant material did not stimulate gene
transfer. Recently investigations on horizontal gene transfer from
different transgenic plants carrying the hph gene to coinoculated
Aspergillus niger were published by Hoffmann et al. (1994). With one
exception the foreign DNA seemed to be not stable in the putative
Aspergillus niger transformants. The mechanism of transfer and
integration remained unclear.
Occurrence of nptII in environmental bacteria
For an adequate evaluation of selective marker genes used in transgenic
plants data on the natural dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes
used in transgenic plants should be known. Data on the prevalence
of the kanamycin resistance phenotype in different habitats such as
soil, sewage, river water, manure slurries and the proportion of nptII
carrying, kanamycin resistant bacteria were recently published by Smalla
et al. (1993, 1995). In addition, total community DNA extracted from the
different environments was tested by PCR for the presence of nptII.
The proportion of kanamycin resistant bacteria was highest in manure
slurry samples (38%), whereas for soils up to 1% of the total colony
forming units showed a high level Km-resistance. Most Km resistant
bacteria carrying the nptII were isolated from sewage, fewer strains
from manure slurries and river water. A high proportion of Km-resistant
isolates with nptII homology belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae. However,
up to now more than 3,000 Km-resistant soil bacteria were screened for the
presence of nptII, but none of the Km-resistant soil bacteria showed
nptII homology. PCR amplifification of total DNA extracts with nptII-specific
primers revealed the presence of nptII in some soil samples.
Recently developed molecular approaches allow a sensitive and specific
tracking of transgenic DNA in soil. However, detection of gene transfer into
bacteria not accessible to cultivation still remains complicated. Although
transgenic plant DNA is detectable in soil for a longer period horizontal
gene transfer from plant to bacteria was not detectable under laboratory
and field conditions until now. The present results of investigation
focussed on horizontal gene transfer from plants to microorganisms allow
to conclude that such transfer events, in case they occur at all, will be rare.
Furthermore, the ongoing environmental release of nptII containing
bacteria with sewage or manure slurries into agricultural soils did not
result in a dissemination of the nptII gene amongst soil bacteria. This
fact might serve as an argument to ease concerns on the possible
impediment of medical therapies through the use of the nptII gene in
transgenic plants. Since alternative approaches such as positive selection
or are expected to substitute antibiotic resistance marker genes in
transgenic plants soon, the topic of horizontal gene transfer from plants
to microorganisms will get less and less public attention.
This article is from 10/1995.